Monday 21 October 2013

Buy another Mini Popwing or scratch build a dragonfly?

A friend urged me not to buy another Mini-Popwing but to scratch build a dragonfly instead.

Well, two different issues there.

The kit from Rotor Hobby sells for SGD 63.00 before 10% member discount is applied. It flew great and the kit includes a 10gm 2S motor from Tiger-Motor, retails at SGD 39.00 from Jethobby. Effectively, the EPP wing kit is less than SGD 18.00, and I do like that tiny motor, it fires up my imagination, I can use it for small models using GWS 5x3. I would have gladly bought two in an instant if Jethobby sells it at half the current price. But we are getting nowhere with 'ifs'.

The full-house Red Butterfly flies great, vertical take-offs a plus, so is the mini field requirement, but I am bored with it. If I do up a dragonfly, it will be RET this time, for relaxing gliding guiding.

The forewings will have straight leading edges (adapts well to carbon fibre tubing) and have dihedral, maybe 7-10 degrees each wing. If I use 5mm carbon fibre tube, I can use 2-2.5mm wire joiners, and the root jointed with dry wall joint tape.
The rearwings will also have straight leading edges, with small carbon fibre rods, be flat without dihedral and of shorter span.

The head and thorax of the dragonfly can be carved from blue foam. Suitable transparent bottle ends might be used as eyes, but so far I can't think of any plastic container which has spherical ends. Alternately, two largish almost round discs of blue foam may have to suffice for eyes.

What's the colour of the head and thorax of a butterfly? Don't know but not blue I would think. The eyes should be darkest then the thorax and remaining head. If I leave it as blue I should at least use a black marker pen to draw diamonds on the eyes.

The firewall will be 2 pieces of 2mm ply cross bonded to the head, set slightly rearwards so that the eyes can be like side cheeks to the motor, obscuring the motor from side views.

The thorax should have a V-cut for the front wings and a flat surface for the rear wings. The battery and ESC should be in the head/thorax region and the receiver slightly aft. Two servos will be mounted at the rear of the thorax, one to each side.

Choice of abdomen construction will depend on type of tail I want.

Foam board would be good for a V-tail or a conventional inverted T tail, but a 5mm carbon fibre tube would be an even better choice, for durability reasons. If I were to do a swinging tail, then I must use a carbon tube for universal joint.

So.. for a V-tail (to clear the grass), I would use a carbon tube as the abdomen. One end embedded into the blue foam thorax in-between the two servos, with two 1/16" balsa sheet tails jointed at 110 degrees ( I remember 110degrees to be a typical angle), covered with paper/tissue on the top surface for strength and hinge at the rear end. And if I need more fin area, I will add underfin to the boom.

Ooops, warping? ok, cover both sides then.

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