Monday 3 February 2020

Elias Airsport

3 February 2020

Here's the 3 view I photocopied to the size I wanted for construction. Hopeful this will be my first successful parasol winged model. I get more wing area for a shorter span because of the wide chord. The stabilizer does look smallish, relatively. Airsport has a fat fuselage and was supposed to seat two side by side. It looks like it could squat pretty but I will lengthen the landing gear for easy take off and landing roll. I like the Anzani 6 engine and exhaust tubes, but they do look a bit oversized for the propeller.

Main material:
  • 2mm foam sheet and bamboo sticks from Daiso
  • 1mm wire from Rotor hobby but it was a bit soft
  • Plastic tubing from Rotor hobby that happens to fit the 2mm bamboo nicely
  • 3mm and 1" foam sheet from another hobby shop years ago.
  • ice cream stick from Popular
  • Silver coloured wrapping tissue from Popular
  • White glue, Glue stick, UHU POR, markers and pencils from Popular
  • Hot glue
  • Nylon thread from neighbourhood value shop
  • Big bubble tea drinking straw from colleague.
  • 1.75" wheels from Banggood, just happened to be the appropriate size.

Progress photos:

2mm foam sheets and silver coloured wrapping tissue. I love the tissue, moisten it and I can tear the excess away from the model.

Markings on the silver tissue before cutting/covering.

Hinges were from interlaced tape and the elevator joiner was a short 2mm bamboo stick
The top of the flying surfaces is covered, leaving the bottom bare. Fin and rudder is covered both sides.

The main landing gear wire was hot-glued to the fuselage. The nose of the fuselage was trimmed with the offset for down thrust and side thrust. I made the engine block from blue foam and glued thread bounded drinking straw for the cylinders. The 7mm geared motor is hot-glued to the finished engine and then the whole is hot-glued to the nose of the fuselage. The curved decking are tissue covered paper pieces. I set the main wing at 3 degrees with a template and hotglued the bamboo and ice-cream stick together. It is not spot on and I have to adjust it so that the wing is parallel to the elevator before securing the lifting struts.

Trial fit