Thursday 1 August 2024

Free time?


Make something: rubber powered models, small gliders

Play something: golf, indoor towing of small gliders?

Buy something: products for golf and rubber powered model

Achieve something: Success but at low cost and effort

Little gliders

I discovered some advantages of Bienfang tracing paper:

  • 30gsm
  • smooth both sides
  • no need to seal
  • ink doesn't spread
  • stiff and stable
  • has a noticeable grain direction, difficult to tear across grain.
I wonder if Bienfang will buckle when wet and shrink evenly afterwards.

Did a little flying wing, design adopted sweptback, cambered root and straightened tips, and short tip fins for stability (just the tracing paper, without balsa). Structure from 1/16" balsa.

  • Curl Bienfang at the wing tips, then it is stronger in one direction
  • double/triple folds for strength instead? 

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